Unexpected wildlife in Nairobi, Kenya
Coffee brewed the old fashioned way.
Our day starts at day break in the hope of catching the hummingbirds when the first awake and look for our carefully placed feeder. A hot cup of home brewed coffee is the perfect start on a chilly morning.
Volcanic Jewels
A Samburu wedding celebration in northwestern Kenya
Our recent safari to Kenya was enriched by the traditional culture of the local Samburu people. Samburus are a Nilotic people who originated in the Sudan. It is believed that they came to Kenya in the 15th century. Unlike their close relatives, the Masai, Samburus chose to stay in an arid part of Kenya. This allowed their culture to remain undisturbed by the British colonialists
We were invited to a local wedding in a village that consisted of three homes. One each for the father of the groom, the groom and his brother. We will show you village...
Fotografiando el Picohoz Coliverde. Photographing the Sickle-billed Hummingbird.
Expedición a la Península de Osa para fotografiar una hembra del colibrí Picohoz Coliverde cuando llegó a alimentar sus polluelos. Video en Ingles con subtítulos en español.
A translation to English follows. Video is in English with Spanish subtitles.
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Observamos este Picohoz Coliverde durante varios días mientras ella buscaba suficiente néctar de heliconias e insectos para alimentar a sus hambrientos polluelos. Después de alimentar a sus polluelos, volaba alrededor de su nido, inspeccionándolo en detalle...