News — High speed photography

Juvenile Antics of a Green-crowned Brilliant

Juvenile Antics of a Green-crowned Brilliant

A playful Green-crowned Brilliant juvenile stakes his claim on our feeders


Green Hermit Hummingbird Acrobatics

Green Hermit Hummingbird Acrobatics

Green Hermit hummingbirds have an elongated body and long beak which makes them uniquely able to be flexible in their approach to flowers and flight in general. 


Fotografiando el Picohoz Coliverde. Photographing the Sickle-billed Hummingbird.

Fotografiando el Picohoz Coliverde. Photographing the Sickle-billed Hummingbird.

Expedición a la Península de Osa para fotografiar una hembra del colibrí Picohoz Coliverde cuando llegó a alimentar sus polluelos. Video en Ingles con subtítulos en español.

A translation to English follows. Video is in English with Spanish subtitles. 

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Observamos este Picohoz Coliverde durante varios días mientras ella buscaba suficiente néctar de heliconias e insectos para alimentar a sus hambrientos polluelos. Después de alimentar a sus polluelos, volaba alrededor de su nido, inspeccionándolo en detalle...

Decorating Ideas - happiness at work

Decorating Ideas - happiness at work

New home for a Purple-throated Mountaingem.

A Stripe-throated Hermit story

A Stripe-throated Hermit story

A Stripe-thorated hummingbird courts in the jungle of Costa Rica.