News — Costa Rica hummingbirds

Green Hermit Hummingbird Acrobatics

Green Hermit Hummingbird Acrobatics

Green Hermit hummingbirds have an elongated body and long beak which makes them uniquely able to be flexible in their approach to flowers and flight in general. 


Decorating Ideas. A room with a focus on purple and green

Decorating Ideas. A room with a focus on purple and green


I purchased a photo from you at last year's spring show at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago. I hope you enjoy seeing it!  It is hanging above my fireplace (electric) in my living room, the most prominent spot in the room.  I love it and have received many compliments on it.

A bit of background, my designer and I chose this mat and frame combination to blend into the wall and allow the art to stand out in contrast.  I love purple and green and decorated the room with these colors.  


Volcanic Jewels

Volcanic Jewels

Three subspecies of the tiny Volcano Hummingbird inhabit the highest elevations in Costa Rica. They are thought to no longer interbreed although they might still be able to. The females are nearly identical, while the males display different color gorgets.

A Stripe-throated Hermit story

A Stripe-throated Hermit story

A Stripe-thorated hummingbird courts in the jungle of Costa Rica.

The 'Bird Brain' of a Cinnamon Hummingbird

The 'Bird Brain' of a Cinnamon Hummingbird

The Cinnamon Hummingbird displays some cunning abilities. It this a 'bird brain'?