This year we made our 5th trip to Sedona for the annual hummingbird festival. Having just purchased a new car, what better way to 'break it in'? Would we be able to pack it all in and then drive comfortably for 2500 miles?
Our studio as we test our booth set up and packing cases
All ready to go.
Our car has just enough room for a driver and a comfortable back seat passenger. Note the suitcase in the area behind Chuck. Yes, those are my feet in black socks resting up against the front passenger seat. That front seat pushes all the way forward to allow the passenger in the back to really stretch. Ahhh.
Road maintenance as we head up the mountain towards Sedona. Our fully packed car bottomed out a few times, but we made it!
View of our booth at the festival.
View from Sedona's Red Rock High School, the Hummingbird Festival's location.
Thanks, Steve. It was a fun way to see the country. Next year we hope to give it more time.
Wonderful photos. Thank you for posting this story.